Marine Services

marine Boat

Traditionally the survey of a vessel relies upon the experience of the surveyor, the ability to see and recognise faults, and the ability to feel such anomalies. Because faults are often “hidden” between materials, the only way to explore such potential problems is by removing/destroying the material which in most cases proves to be a costly exploration of a fault.

Using City Line Infrared inspections, anomalies can be detected precisely and only these areas shown to be faulty can be repaired.

Using a City Line Infrared inspection to detect anomalies will let you find faults that may have been missed, or will pin point where the problem comes from, so you only need to repair the problem area, saving you money on repairs and down time.

We Can Inspect:

– Fibreglass laminate

– Delamination and blisters

– Breaks, crushes and fractures

– De-bonding and voids

– Water intrusion and entrapment

– Lightning and collision damage

– Quality of new built boats

– Osmosis detection


Check for hot spots before they fail in your

– engines

– transmissions

– generators

– electrical wiring

– breaker panel

– and find water, coolant, oil and exhaust leaks

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